Tonight I entered my first Twitter Chat with #edtechchat. I used the link provided by our instructor to find a chat that interested me; I choose one dealing with technology not only because I am a technology educator, but because this is a always-changing topic that I will forever need to be on-top of! I liked this chat topic because I work in a computer lab setting; technology is what I do everyday. The content was listed on the link I provided above; the participants listed themselves when the chat began - it was fast and furious! I was glad I wasn't the only one who thought the chat was going at a rapid pace - one guy tweeted "Is this chat going fast or am I having a heart attack?"
Toward the end of the chat, Q5: What are some tools and resources that could be used for professional development? There was a link provided that had google docs on-call so everyone could add their favorite PD tool. This blew me away! Not only are we tweeting various tips and resources and talking about technology, but now we are using the tools and collaborating our ideas into one fluid document. Amazing!
I ended up following five people from the twitter chat and also gained my own followers! I found it challenging to keep up with all the posts. They were entered so fast and then the next, followed by the was never ending! I did like how the moderator set up the guidelines beforehand; I will post questions such as Q1 and Q2 and you can respond using A1 and A2; this was easier for me to follow. I had a couple of shout-outs and a couple of participants retweet my response. I think the only thing to improve my experience would be to chat more often using Twitter to get used to the experience and flow of the responses. All in all, I really liked it!
Sounds like you found the experience to be valuable! Twitter chats are busy, challenging times, but I always find I meet someone new and learn something new along the way.